Washington DC

In January 2019, my wife Sariethia had a chance to work at the Pentagon for a week…and of course I went with her! I’d never been to our nation’s capitol and crossing it off my bucket list was not and opportunity I was going to miss.

Our first day there was essentially a tourism walk/scooter through the city. I took a few hundred pictures over the week, but all the good ones came from that first day. 

This was the trip that really cemented to me the value of good glass. And a good tripod. Or just to remember my tripod in the first place.

Most of these pictures are from Arlington National Cemetery. It was a completely surreal experience, nothing I would ever take for granted. While all these images were good out of the camera, I edited them to reflect the emotion I felt during the visit. I was edging on tears several times that week, but none of the historic buildings and locations brought with it the weight of Arlington.

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